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Alternate names:
Surinam, Suriname, Suriname, Suriname, Suriname, Suriname, Suriname, Суринам, 苏里南, Suriname, Surinam, ซูรินาเม, Suriname, Суринам, Suriname, Suriname, Surinam, Σουρινάμ, Surinam.
English (English), Dutch (Nederlands, Vlaams).
Country information:
Capital Paramaribo
Currency SRD - Surinamese Dollar (SRD)
Population (Approx.) 492829
Area (Sq. Km) 163270.0
ISO Code (2 character) SR
ISO Code (3 character) SUR
ISO Code (Numeric) 740
Fips10-4 Code NS
Continent South America
Country links:

Country map: Suriname
Country flag: Suriname